The Beginning of the End
14:22Hey there and welcome to Where Dreamers Roam,
Before I actually begin posting things I thought I should introduce myself and tell something about how this is going to work out.
My name is Michelle, I'm a Dutch girl that will soon turn twenty and starting September went to go back to college to get a Bachelor degree in English teaching. I'm a reader, writer and dreamer. I can be very random, passionate, crazy and all that kind of stuff but I love talking to people about things and I'm always open to give advice or anything.
Me being Dutch might mean that sometimes, I'll make small mistakes in my English. I am so, so sorry for any time that happens.
I also have a youtube channel, called .miepie. which you can find in the links above. This means that sometimes there will be posts - reviews - on both my blog and my youtube channel and sometimes a post might only be on one of the two. It all depends on which medium I find easiest to talk about the subject.
There might be times I do it on both mediums and I'll say more in my blog or in my video than I do in the other medium. I might say slightly different things. The blog, obviously, is organized differently than my videos.
So, I hope you can all understand that. Besides reviews I will also be doing other things on this blog that I don't do on my channel, for example I might do weekly or monthly book tips, books I'm waiting to read, anything that I can think of.
So I really hope you all will enjoy the posts. If you ever feel like sharing your opinion or asking for mine, feel free to do so!
Until then, stay strong and have a nice day
~ Mishy